
Save better with thinkmoney – discover how to save better and how to master KiwiSaver.

Top 10 facts about KiwiSaver

Check out some cool facts about KiwiSaver, an easy way to save for retirement in New Zealand

KiwiSaver: jargon-buster - basics

Confused by all that KiwiSaver jargon? Find out what basic KiwiSaver terms really mean

Making sense of KiwiSaver

With much more pressing things on our minds such as working, studying and finding time to enjoy life, it’s no surprise that many of us don’t put much thought into KiwiSaver or our financial future.

Am I in the right KiwiSaver fund?

A simple change in the type of investment fund you put your KiwiSaver into could add thousands to your KiwiSaver balance, without you having to do a thing.

Introducing member tax credits

Mystified by MTC? Watch an animated guide to member tax credits to find out how to get free money in your KiwiSaver account

Saving 101: a how-to guide

Saving is an old-fashioned concept in a modern, cashless world. How do you get to grips with saving and take back control over your finances?

Saving: it's all in your head

Are you born 'good with money' or is it something you can learn? Find out why getting good with money is better for your wallet - and your head!

How to start a savings plan

Do you live outside your means? Don't worry - you're not alone. Find out how to how to tackle your spending and start a budget - without becoming a Nigel-no-mates.

Spendthrift or Scrooge?

Can a lifelong spender find a middle ground between being a spendthrift and a Scrooge?

When the unexpected isn't a nice surprise

Are you prepared if the unexpected happens? Having a rainy day fund might just help you bounce back if the going gets tough.

Saving creates freedom

Contributing to a regular savings plan allows you to take charge of your cash and make it work for you

Dream big. Live better. Save well.

Putting a price on your dreams might be scary - but it makes it easier to work towards achieving your dream.

Checklist: How to get financially prepared

Been playing ostrich with your finances for too long? Time to take your head out of the sand and get your finances under control! Use this handy checklist to help get you started.

KiwiSaver gets a mini make-over

New contribution rates and updates to KiwiSaver will make it easier for Kiwis saving for their first home or retirement to achieve their goals a little bit faster.

Socially responsible investing explained

Watch an animated guide to socially responsible investing. You don't have to choose between your values and making money

Kombucha and...KiwiSaver?

You are the recycling guru and want to live in a clean, green ethical world. So how do you make sure your KiwiSaver savings is invested in funds that align with your values?

Got the market wobbles?

Seen some media reports recently about the global share markets falling? Wondering what it all means and why it's affected your KiwiSaver balance? We break it down for you.

Buying your first home

Planning and money-smarts are the key to your first home. Plan how you can buy your own place, including using your KiwiSaver savings.

A Savvy Guide to Surviving Christmas

Christmas can be difficult to manage if finances are stretched, or the budget is tight. With a little planning, and a whole heap of savvy, here's our guide to surviving Christmas with your budget - and sanity - intact!

Is it time to declutter your finances?

Do your finances need decluttering? Don't know where to begin? Follow our recommendations to get on top of your budget and learn how to spark joy with your finances.