About us

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thinkmoney is here to help you get more from your money. Getting to grips with your finances won’t fix everything but it’ll certainly make life feel a lot better.

We aim to empower you to make savvy financial choices so you can:

  • save better
  • invest smarter
  • spend wisely.

Why? Because sorting your finances means more choices and less stress. When you’re on top of your finances, you can do less of what you don’t like and more of what you love. And, like good Kiwis, we like to work hard and then kick back and relax. Why make life harder?

Managing money well doesn’t need to be hard. Ok, it’s hard sometimes but we can help make it easier. We provide financial information that’s authoritative, expert and useful. And we want to show that dealing with important subjects doesn’t mean you have to be all po-faced about it. Money is serious but it’s not everything.

We aim to show that managing money well isn’t a talent that some people have naturally while others simply don’t. We know that being good with money is a skill everyone can develop.

We’ll help you get on top of your finances and stay there. We don’t promise you’ll 'get rich quick' but this website will help you manage your money better and be more confident with your finances. And being good with money will make your whole life better.

We provide general information that isn’t legal, tax or investment advice, and may not apply or be useful to your personal financial situation. We always encourage you to talk to an authorised financial adviser (AFA) so you can get professional personal advice that takes account of your financial situation and goals in life.

Who we are

The thinkmoney website is one of the family of Booster websites. thinkmoney is a central part of our mission to help New Zealanders make sense of money.

We believe in being open and honest so we tell you each time we mention our own products or services or those of our partners.

About Booster

Booster is a financial services company founded way back in 1998 as Grosvenor Financial Services.

Don’t worry – there’s no catch. We’re not trying to sell you anything here. We just think that financial literacy is good for everyone.

Sure, we benefit in the long run. We get informed, happy customers who understand their KiwiSaver accounts and maybe do some investing.

We find it frustrating when we see people make basic mistakes because they haven’t got the knowledge they need.

So, as good Kiwis, we’re looking out for you – we’re sharing our knowledge. A New Zealand with more financially resilient and confident people is good for them, for NZ businesses and for the whole country.

Based in wonderful, windyful Wellington, we’re a default KiwiSaver scheme provider and we offer investments and superannuation schemes too. If you want to find out more about what Booster offers, that’s awesome! Visit www.booster.co.nz

Booster. Finally, a financial services company that’s making sense of money.

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